Care for Neuro Disorders

We provide care and support for a number of neurological disorders that affects a persons cognition and their physical health and emotional health. Some of these disorders include Huntingdon Disease, Parkinson Disease, Stroke, and other Acquired Brain Injuries (ABI) following an accident.
Our team are trained to support using a recovery and re-enablement model. We understand that some Neuro disorders are degenerate. Our experience allows us to support independence as much as practicably possible even with a care plan leading towards end of life. We support and promote coproduction giving you control no matter what stage of the diagnosis.
We have experience in supporting service users with associated symptoms like memory loss, challenges with mobility, personal care needs and nutritional needs – including specialised dietary intake where symptoms include Dysphagia.
If you are affected by neuro disorder, it may become difficult to carry out daily living task. That is why our staff co-produce support by using ‘active support model’. We provide support to keep safe within the home and outside the home.
We provide support with specialised and specific communication needs, emotional support, medication, support with social inclusion and maintain meaningful relationships. We provide all the above support in partnership with our service user whilst promoting choice, maintaining dignity and respect.
We currently support service user with acquired brain injuries, Huntingdon disease, Parkinson’s disease with support needs ranging from very low to high level of dependence.
We work with Occupational Therapy, Physiotherapy, Dietitians, Psychiatrists, and other MDT professionals to provide a working care plan that is person centred.
If you require support with this client group please go to referral page and call us today or complete an online form, You will be happy you did.