Complex Care

We provide support for mental and physical health conditions that are comorbid of each other, which sometimes present as challenging or multi layered in its presentation. We support services users who have substance misuse disorders comorbid with schizophrenia, Personality Disorders, Learning disability. This comorbidity can be further complicated with physical health needs.
We also have experience in supporting service users who have forensic history, including those placed in care by Ministry of justice that may or may not be subject to MAPPA protocol. We co-produce care plans and risk management plans that promote the client safety and wellbeing, as well as that of others in the community. We work with multi-agencies such as probation services, police and social care in achieving safer outcomes for our client.
Everliving Services have extensive experience in this area and have a track record to supporting service users with complex care. We do not focus on the diagnosis as not everyone with the same illness is impacted the same. We pay attention to Individual differences, Social cultural influences, and what barriers to progress the diagnosis is presenting. We co-produce working care plans to achieve recovery.